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Best Ways to Make Sex Last Longer

Here are some of the ways to do that.

Taking it Slow

To last longer in bed, start slow. Essentially, a man should aim for a single thrust after few seconds and gradually, take it a notch higher by having a thrust with every second. When the man feels like he is about to ejaculate, he should stop for a few seconds till he is in control and start again.

Doing it More Often

Vigorous foreplay works wonders. In addition to making you orgasm, foreplay can make you cum again when having sex. However, getting a man ejaculate before the actual sex can delay his finish line. Recharge can take time. This means the woman will have enough time to get satisfied.

Practice Pelvic Floor Exercises

Engage in Kegels, the exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor muscles while enhancing orgasm chances. These exercises are great for treating premature ejaculation in a man. Engage in these exercises with your partner to enjoy their full benefits.

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